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Foto: Martin Steffen

100% peruanisch-amazonisches Haar


Quick Info

Hair travels a great and global disctance until it reaches us as a wig in a shop window. And hidden within that journey are amazing, invisible and moving stories. It is worth telling the stories of the women who give their hair, of those who process it and of those who wear the hair of women they do not know. What do wigs resemble - not only today, but also historically? What is hair anyway?

Manuela Infante develops unusual themes for the stage (the raw material oil, the sounds of the street, vampires) and adopts special perspectives - usually a specifically female one. She uncovers the unknown and the astonishing. The Chilean's theatre art lies in her strong texts, which emerge from the spirit of the material (hair) rather than from characters. After Noise. Das Rauschen der Menge, the Schauspielhaus is now inviting the author, musician and director Manuela Infante to stage her work in Bochum for the second time. 100% Peruvian-Amazonian Hair is atmospherically dense theatre, narration and poetry, drama and laboratory.

to the schedule


William Cooper
Gina Haller
Veronika Nickl
Abenaa Prempeh
Lukas von der Lühe
Jing Xiang


Manuela Infante

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