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2024 Theater an der Ruhr

Scenes for tomorrow

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How should, how will, how will we live? Authors asked themselves these questions last year during the "7,000 Seedlings" campaign. On the initiative of the Network for Sustainability in the Performing Arts Performing for Future, "Scenes for Tomorrow" were created, which were presented in readings during the Mülheim Theatre Days and elsewhere. This year, the festival is once again collaborating with Performing for Future. This time, the focus is on the topic of climate resilience and the question of adaptation: What needs to change today so that we can live well tomorrow? Together with Performing for Future, the Mülheim Theatre Days bring art and science together. Five authors have been invited to contribute to a live blog on the topic of climate change adaptation for four weeks. Every day, they continue to write a text that emerges from a joint discussion of climate resilience. At the beginning of their work, the authors exchange ideas with experts from climate research. They can ask the scientists questions about the current state of research and discuss which topics related to climate impacts and climate protection urgently need to be on stage. Here on the homepage you can follow the writing process. Every day you will find new parts of the text, maybe even in front of your eyes: if you visit the blog at the same time as the authors, you can see how a text fits together word for word. On 21 May, ensemble members of the Schauspielhaus Bochum will present the resulting text in a reading. Afterwards, the authors will report on the creation of the text and their collaboration and answer your questions.

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