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DIBBUK - zwischen (zwei) Welten

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The transnational KULA Compagnie’s latest production is based on one of the most important works of Yiddish literature: the popular story of "Dibbuk", which the Russian-Jewish writer Salomon An-ski turned into a play in the 1920s. The play tells the story of a Jewish bride and groom whose marriage is prevented by the demon of a dead man ­­– the dybbuk – who enters the bride and takes possession of her. This Hasidic-Jewish love story draws on ancient Persian mysticism, it makes boundaries visible and blurs them at the same time.
The players place the story in a contemporary, interreligious context and use the dybbuk as a cipher for a foreign culture that inhabits their own bodies. The recent escalation of the conflict in the Middle East represents an immense challenge for the artists, but it also reinforces the desire to come together through art to foster an open dialogue and mutual understanding in a time of political tension. The KULA Compagnie relies on the transformative power of theater to bridge the seemingly insurmountable boundaries created by global political conflicts

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